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Sunday, October 15, 2023

This blog started and it was written by my wife in 2011 when we were selling the toys. Please scroll to the bottom of the page. I changed it a little and I added to it since 2022.

You will not be able to come back to the Home tab from the other tabs. I have messed something in the settings. All text is doubled. This blog and account are not secured. My apologies for imperfections.

I WAS BORN ON MAY 26, 1966.


I do not have children and I do not give a shit for that fact!

Ivan T. Yanev /Иван Ц. Янев/

I was born and grew up in Bulgaria. My wife has lived all her life in the United States. I live in the United States since 2005.

My last name is Янев. There is no equivalent for the letter Я in the latin alphabet. Originally, after the end of the communism in Bulgaria in 1990, it was written with Ia. After 1994, the Bulgarian government changed it to Ya.

My education
I graduated in 3rd grade in 1976, from an elementary school in town Zlatograd, Bulgaria. I graduated in 4th grade in 1977, from an elementary school in village Mihailovo, Bulgaria. I graduated 7th grade in 1980, from a middle school in town of Vratsa, Bulgaria. I graduated from PP Matematics High School, Vratsa, Bulgaria class of 1984. I began to study Mechanical Engineering in the Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria in 1986, after two years of mandatory military service. I had a classmate a girl, that in the beginning of my IV year in the Technmical University, every time when she got drunk, and sometimes without being drunk, came to me asking me to sleep with her. At the same time she had a boyfriend that she wanted to marry him and she married him later. My study was interupted by her and my grades fell down. Because of her and because of another reason, I left the Technical University and Bulgaria in August 1990 and I went to Germany, where she was not able to find me. I returned back to Bulgaria in August, 1993. I graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Techanical University, Sofia in 1998, after working for a little time and after staying at home with my mom, that passed away in 2002. I studied 2 years Computer Network in Grossmont College, El Cajon, United States of America from 2007 till 2009. I graduated with an Associate Degree in Computer Aided Drafting and Design from Cuyamaca College, class of 2018. 

Before I came to the United States, my wife sent me a lot of money to help me with a dental work and to pay my rent in Bulgaria. My wife even paid for my airplane ticket to the United States of America. When I received a legal status in the United States, I did not go to school. I decided to work as a Custodian for School Districts, because my wife had a student loan.

I am not a professional woodworker.

I am making simple wooden toys since 2011

There are many pictures of me online with different my face expressions. THEY ALL ARE CORRECT! 

I am writing the following with a hope that some of the missionaries that were on a mission in Bulgaria in 1993 and in the beginning of 1994, or the Mission President of that time in Bulgaria will see it and will answer my questions at the end:

In the beginning of 1994, I was helping the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with tracking and visiting Church members in Bulgaria. I did this with the missionaries the previous 2 years in Bulgaria and in Germany. The third Sunday of January 1994, the missionaries came to visit me in the place where I rented a room while I was studying Mechanical Engineering in Sofia, Bulgaria. After I complained a little about leaving my work in Germany, returning to Bulgaria, and being alone, the missionaries gave me to read the Book of Job from the Bible and said to me that one prayer is enough. After that they scheduled an appointment with me to go next day to the Mission Office and Home in Sofia to help them again with visiting church members or for looking for investigators. I read the Book of Job the next, Monday January 17, 1994, morning and I went to the Mission Office and Home a little earlier than the scheduled appointment. There I said a prayer, I said it twice. After my prayer, an old missionary couple took me from the room with the missionaries to the office of the Mission President that was the next room. They gave me to read Moroni chapter 7 from the Book of Mormon. They said that the Mission President will come at 6 pm and went to the next room. I read Moroni chapter 7 from the Book of Mormon that is about giving to God, what God accepts and what God rejects from the gifts. On the desk of the Mission President there were many papers, and I think there were the records of my giving to the Church. My appointment with the missionaries was a little before 6 pm and I waited for them. The missionaries did not come that afternoon to my scheduled appointment with them. The Mission President came at 6 pm. He was carried a plastic bag with oranges inside. He took one or two oranges out of the bag and he threw them in the trashcan as he said that they are bad. Then he gave me the bag with the oranges and sent me out of his office with the words "You may study or work, you may work or study, but the most difficult for you will be to find a nice, lovely girl." After I left the building, I made a few steps and I returned back inside where I left the bag with the oranges. The missionaries never came for my appointment with them that day. I was a student at that time without a job. On the next morning, I started looking for a job, because I did not want to spend the $12,000 that I saved from working two years in Germany. Later I continued studying and I graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1998. I did not go to Church for a long time because of that day. I wrote several letters to the Church leaders, local Church leaders and global Church leaders. I never received an answer to my questions: Why the missionaries never came to the appointment with me that day? And why the Mission President sent me home with these words?
At the moment I am a full tithing payer. And I go to Church, because I BELIEVE!

Places where I go sometimes

San Diego Seaside Scrollers

Lakeside Friends of the Library
All books at the bookstore cost only $2 (or less) per book

My parents and grandparents used to grow a lot of vegetables.
These are some that I tried to grow

A link to donate to Shriners Hospital for Children

The United States of America is not my native land. I will appreciate to hear from you.