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Our Family

We met as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

We are married in the Church in Lakeside, California by Bishop John Groom, Chief Security Officer of San Diego Airport in 2005

We were sealed in San Diego Temple by Brother Bell, Retired in 2008

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a family Church. When we go to Church, we go as a family.

(there are also single adults branches for people who are single)

Beautiful places in the United States that we have visited
(under construction, all pictures will be reodered in ascending chronological order from bottom to top) 

Grand Canyon, Arizona
July 2008

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - Simi Valley, California
December 2008
December 2023

Redwood National Park - California
August 2010

Arches National Park - Grand County, Utah

Chaco Culture National Historical Park - New Mexico

Mesa Verde National Park - Montezuma County, Colorado

Four Corners National Monument

Lake Arrowhead - California

Mount Rushmore National Memorial - South Dakota

Glacier National Park - Montana

Yellowstone National Park - Wyoming, Montana, Idaho

The Gateway Arch - St. Louis, Missouri

Moundville - Alabama

Elvis' Birthplace - Tupelo, Mississippi

Graceland - Memphis, Tennessee

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace - Larue County, Kentucky
July 2019

Andrew Jackson's Hermitage - Nashville, Tennessee
July 2019

Bill Clinton Presidential Library - Little Rock, Arkansas
July 2019

Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum - Yorba Linda, California
July 2024

Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum - Yorba Linda, California
July 2024

Lakeside Library
March 2023

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